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Shot on paper shoot text lens cover with centre red and yellow flower graphic with grip groves
Shot on paper shoot text lens cover with red and yellow flower graphic with grip groves on a paper shoot camera

Copriobiettivo Flower

$6.00 Prezzo base $14.00

Proteggi la lente della tua Paper Shoot con i nostri copriobiettivi. Non andresti mai in bicicletta senza casco, non è vero? Non permettere che la lente della tua Paper Shoot si graffi mentre la tieni in borsa o si frantumi a terra nel caso ti scivolasse. Proteggila con un copriobiettivo!

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Free shipping on orders over $100

Copriobiettivo Flower

$6.00 Prezzo base $14.00
What's in the box?

Lens Covers

1 Lens Cover

(with screw on attachment)

Get Creative with Your Paper Shoot

Shooting Modes & Picture Quality

Learn How a Paper Shoot Camera Works

You’ve Got Questions,
We’ve Got Answers

How to Build Your Paper Shoot Camera


Express Your Personality with Every Shot

Whether you're in the mood for classic black and white, warm sepia, vibrant full color, or cool moody tones, each mode adds a unique flavor to your pics. With just a flick of a switch, you can turn ordinary moments into unforgettable memories and bring your world to life in a spectrum of styles. These color modes are perfect for capturing any mood or moment and promise a world of photographic fun!





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